Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ChicagoCon Metasploit Talk Day1

Looks like ChicagoCon is going well. Did a little mini review from last nite and this morning's keynote over on (link to post)

gave my Day1 talk on Metasploit Basics and everything went pretty well.

Day1 slides can be found here:

Should get Day2 up tomorrow (speaking tonight) and the backup hack videos for the demos up on LSO and shortly



  1. Chris, please keep up the good work. The practical examples of advanced MSF features are valuable and sometimes tough to find out there on the web. Looking forward to Day 2.

  2. tebo thanks!

    Day2 is up. everything seemed to go well and i got some good feedback from the talk and some of the local 2600/Defcon 312 guys gave me some new ideas to play with in the lab and hopefully post up some good blog posts.
